Mon, Feb 17, 2025

A coal country dispute over an alleged Trump promise unmet

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has rejected a coal industry push to win a rarely used emergency order protecting coal-fired power plants, a decision contrary to what one coal executive said the president personally promised him.

The Energy Department says it considered issuing the order sought by companies seeking relief for plants it says are overburdened by environmental rules and market stresses.

The Eclipse Will Give Us a Glimpse of the Future of Natural Gas

Natural gas is about to get a glimpse of its future role in the U.S. power mix as solar energy’s backup.

During the upcoming Aug. 21 eclipse, operators of giant solar fields from California to the Carolinas will cede market share to fast-start natural gas generators as well as hydroelectric plants and other sources to fill the gaps as the sky darkens.

America’s Other Coal Job, Ignored by Politicians, Is Dying Fast

A couple months ago, Donald Trump was cheering a new coal mine in Pennsylvania that will put 70 people to work -- good news for a president whose pledge to revive the industry helped get him elected. But a bigger group of coal workers has already suffered sweeping job cuts, and it’s bracing for more.

US must re-engage on climate change

WHILE THE PARIS climate accord has its detractors — and there are legitimate concerns — turning our backs on the global movement to limit climate change and mitigate its effects is a national policy mistake that must be corrected, and soon.

For one Navajo family, a coal power plant has preserved a way of life

The Navajo government is racing to extend the life of one of the biggest coal-fired power plants in the country.

If the government and plant owners finalize a lease extension by Saturday, the Navajo Generating Station in northern Arizona will stay open through 2019.

If they don’t, the plant will start shutting down this year.

A Clean Energy’s Dirty Little Secret

Discarded solar panels are piling up all over the world, and they represent a major threat to the environment. Clean energy may not be so clean after all.

A new study by Environmental Progress (EP) warns that toxic waste from used solar panels now poses a global environmental threat.

