Speaking at the Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA) CCS Forum at the Port of Rotterdam, Global CCS Institute CEO, Brad Page, said CCS is the solution to a raft of climate, economic and social problems.

UMWA Release on EPA withdrawal of the Clean Power Plan
[TRIANGLE, VA.] The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) supports today’s withdrawal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) by the Trump administration, while at the same time encouraging the administration to move quickly to propose a more reasonable replacement rule and step up support of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology and its commercial application.

It’s time to replace Clean Power Plan with a sensible solution
IN SEPTEMBER, I joined with the general presidents of other unions in submitting a joint letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt proposing a sensible alternative to the overreaching, job-killing, industry-disrupting Clean Power Plan.

EPA chief Scott Pruitt tells coal miners he will repeal power plant rule Tuesday: ‘The war against coal is over’
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt told coal miners in Kentucky on Monday that he will move to repeal a rule limiting greenhouse-gas emissions from existing power plants, assuring them, “The war against coal is over.”

The Energy 202: Carbon capture could also benefit from Trump outreach to Democrats
So far, President Trump's rhetoric about “clean coal” has been just that so far — talk. And often when Trump stumps in speeches about the fledging technology, which involves capturing carbon dioxide from smokestacks and storing it underground, it’s unclear whether he really understands the basics of it.

Opinion: Oil and gas industry needs to be part of B.C.’s climate-change efforts
Drip. Drip. Drip. Can you hear it? It’s the sound of economic opportunities going down the drain, a drop at a time. It’s the feel of job prospects dissolving. It’s a young family that can’t afford decent housing or small luxuries for the kids.
Is this the future we’re headed for? Surely we hope not. But, with all the best intentions, those who oppose any expansion of the oil and gas industry in B.C. could deprive many in the province’s present and future workforce of the prosperity they have every reason to expect.

U.S. Lays Groundwork for Saving Coal Plants With Grid Report
The Energy Department, in a long-anticipated report on the security of the U.S. electric grid, makes the case for rescuing the nation’s coal industry from widespread plant shutdowns, but stops short of an assault on renewable power that environmentalists had feared.