Thu, Sep 19, 2024

Trumka: Fight Climate Change the Right Way

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered the following remarks at the Global Climate Action Summit:

Good morning and thank you to Governor (Jerry) Brown for inviting me here to say a few words on behalf of the 12.5 million working women and men who belong to the 55 unions of the AFL-CIO.

EPA proposes replacement for Clean Power Plan

A NEW EPA rule to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal-fired power plants is generating heat of its own. Proponents, including the Boilermakers union, support the rule while opposing groups seek to kill it.

CCUS gains wider acceptance as climate change solution

CAPTURING AND USING carbon dioxide as a way to mitigate climate change has for decades been broadly dismissed by many climate activists, environmental groups, scientists and government officials as expensive, impractical and unnecessary.

That mindset is finally beginning to change markedly, thanks to advances in technology and the growing realization that renewables alone cannot solve the climate problem.

FUTURE Act promises accelerated CCUS deployment

UNLEASHING CCUS THROUGH tax credits is a smart move not only for the climate but also for jobs and the economy. Workers will be needed to build the carbon capture equipment and machinery, install it and maintain it. Those kinds of jobs are highly-skilled, blue-collar positions — the kind that pay good wages and support middle class families.

US must re-engage on climate change

WHILE THE PARIS climate accord has its detractors — and there are legitimate concerns — turning our backs on the global movement to limit climate change and mitigate its effects is a national policy mistake that must be corrected, and soon.

