Tue, Mar 4, 2025

California Power Problems Hit Texas

California transplants who moved to Texas no doubt thought they had escaped electric power outages. Think again. Texans this week were told to crank up their thermostats amid a brutal heat wave to avoid rolling blackouts. Some ultimatum: Swelter, or bake without power.

On infrastructure and clean energy, America must play to win

The Rural Electrification Act was signed into law 85 years ago this month. It was a visionary infrastructure program for the 20th century, the centerpiece of a federal energy investment strategy that brought growth and prosperity to the South, the West, and across rural America. Because of these investments, generations of Americans were wealthier, healthier and led better lives.

AFL-CIO and EFI Release a Clean-Energy Policy Plan for an Economic Recovery

“Energy Transitions: The Framework for Good Jobs in a Low-Carbon Future” provides a comprehensive overview of a suite of climate and labor policies, supported by the AFL-CIO and EFI, that will accelerate America’s transition to a low carbon economy while preserving and creating access to high quality jobs.

The devil's in the details: Policy implications of 'clean' vs. 'renewable' energy

In the wake of several major climate reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. Government, climate change has taken center stage in American political discourse, encapsulated by — but in no way limited to — the Green New Deal. Many of the proposed plans for confronting the climate crisis stress the imperative of decreasing emissions by transitioning to 100% "clean" or "renewable" sources of energy.

Audubon Joins Carbon Capture Coalition

NEW YORK — “Audubon is committed to protecting birds and the places they need — and the greatest threat to birds and people is climate change,” said David Yarnold (@david_yarnold), president and CEO of National Audubon Society.

“While some may be holding out for a perfect solution to climate change, we know that it will take an array of approaches to reduce planet-warming pollution.

UMWA Release on EPA withdrawal of the Clean Power Plan

[TRIANGLE, VA.] The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) supports today’s withdrawal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) by the Trump administration, while at the same time encouraging the administration to move quickly to propose a more reasonable replacement rule and step up support of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology and its commercial application.

Opinion: Oil and gas industry needs to be part of B.C.’s climate-change efforts

Drip. Drip. Drip. Can you hear it? It’s the sound of economic opportunities going down the drain, a drop at a time. It’s the feel of job prospects dissolving. It’s a young family that can’t afford decent housing or small luxuries for the kids.

Is this the future we’re headed for? Surely we hope not. But, with all the best intentions, those who oppose any expansion of the oil and gas industry in B.C. could deprive many in the province’s present and future workforce of the prosperity they have every reason to expect.

